By: LazerKim Kim Hyun Joong arrived safely back home to Korea at wee hours at dawn leaving Thailand at midnight last night. I was laughing at twitter last night because there seem a confusion among the Thai fans at to what gate at the airport Hyun Joong has to check in, was it gate 1 or gate 7? I can just imagine the Thai fans to be running here and there just to take a brief glimpse of Hyun Joong for the last time! He left his Thai fans being totally mesmerized again over his very presence, same as what he did in other countries he performed in his Asia Tour Fan Meeting Concert.
As expected, after Hyun Joong’s successful performance in Bangkok, is gonna be the talk of the town again since a lot of media personnel both local and international were at the concert venue where the fan meeting concert was being held to capture every moment of Hyun Joong’s performance.
A night to remember for every Thai fans of Hyun Joong will remain in their hearts as ever. A lot of international fans also attended the fan meeting who has been following Hyun Joong this episode of Asia Tour 2012, shall be a treasured memory and so with his fans from up far who’s with Hyun Joong be it not physically present but their hearts and mind has been with him all the time.
Hyun Joong is finally back home and soon be back in action as his filming schedule resumes which I still do not have the idea when, all I know is that he has to be back in Japan before the 5th of August. Ladies may I just warn, do not doze off too much or you might miss the whirlwind star as he flies again from here and there!! Oh to be following Hyun Joong schedule is such fun, it’s like now you see him now you don’t!! He just appear out of nowhere and before you know it he’s already at the airport boarding his flight to another country!!
At the recent fan meeting in Bangkok, Hyun Joong mentioned again, that from now on he’ll be living the life of Beak Mir, the lead character in City Conquest. Hyun Joong was saying that Beak Mir’s character is interestingly cute!! I wonder now, is Baek Mir’s character the nearest character to the real Kim Hyun Joong?? He had been saying that whatever image he portrays in any of his project tends to bring it into himself even off cam. Which I believe he does, even in his albums, Hyun Joong has portrayed a lot of different image of a real man.
Lately if you can notice which is very significant that Hyun Joong dress up in his most carefree simple style but a macho man in his sexy well-developed muscle always in sleeveless shirt that shows his curvy arm muscle and cleavage! Baek Mir’s physical looks as illustrated and described in the comic book, is a simple young man, with a strong physique but gentle eyes. Baek Mir is said to be charismatic which obviously one of Kim Hyun Joong’s significant character for real.
Now the flower boy transforms to a real man fighting for his right, and defending the weak ones of the society. A high school student image turn to a hero well prepared to dive into the high risk of action drama. Hyun Joong took his time for a rigid training at the action school in learning choreography in fight scenes. Gone with the prim and proper image of Yoon Jihoo and Baek Seung Jo as we welcome the carefree image of Baek Mir who would carelessly face any danger fronting him with all his courage and strength to fight.
The production management of City Conquest had recently release some stills from the filming set, and every time I look at the stills I can’t help my mind playing with thoughts of how this drama would turn out. I can’t help but smile and even laugh at the pictures being released, it’s not the pictures that makes me laugh but what my mind trying to dictates me how Hyun Joong is in this drama. I really think there are a lot of funny scenes in this drama seeing from the picture.
And then finally Hyun Joong revealed that Baek Mir’s character is interestingly cute!! Then from his video clips lately he’s been all smiles, then a lot of his photos at the film set tells me he’s enjoying this filming. I’ll probably wouldn’t be surprised if there may be scenes that his natural 4Dness may somehow appear or surface within some funny scenes. I don’t mean to pre-emp this drama, I’m just sharing my personal thoughts about City Conquest. I do get worried about Hyun Joong’s weight loss but seeing him happy in his current work somehow relieves my worries. And I can just as happy him as he is!
Yesterday the latest stills released was a fight scene, oh he looks so handsome even he rolls down to the mud and being filled with dirt. At the same time, I can’t help having the thoughts that a dancer will always be a dancer and it surface in the way he moves. I have seen it in this photo above. A dancer is exceptionally flexible than a normal person. Doing an action fight scene is like learning a dance step or a choreography that also requires right timing either in defense or attack.
Hyun Joong can portray any fight scene in lesser effort since his body, reflexes and flexibility has already been developed being a natural dancer. He has every potential in becoming an action star, given the chance to develop action skills further, I wouldn’t doubt a bit. His martial arts Trainor was saying Hyun Joong was very attentive in learning the choreography and learned real fast. That’s because Hyun Joong is already physically flexible.
I can even foresee in the future probably after he has done City Conquest I wouldn’t doubt if Hyun Joong craves for more action drama. Because he is a natural-born action man!! Seeing this guy works, he just doesn’t stop! I would say, it’s either you see him doze off because of fatigue or he just keeps moving or if ever he sits in one corner, he’s singing!! During the waiting period in the film set, it was said he’s always been caught dancing! I’m not at least surprised because he does the same thing during his photo shoots! He can spot him in one corner dancing memorizing his choreography. The guy just doesn’t stop!
Another scene that I would eagerly anticipate is the scene he’s in disguise as geisha!! This must be really funny, even Hyun Joong really looks so beautiful in geisha costume, I can’;t forget how Hyun Joong laughed non-stop while wearing the geisha costume!! And the romantic honeymoon film set is very interesting, it was said Hyun Joong was spotted to have dozed off at the set!! That’s very much like Hyun Joong!! Well, it happened in his previous dramas during filming, so it’s very likely it happens again!! It must be out of fatigue, but at least he can manage to have even a power nap can help a lot in regaining his energy specially on night filming.
Well, these are just all starters, Hyun Joong still has to do a lot of filming and flying from one country to another. And that will keep his fans busy following him from here and there but it’s such a fun doing so!! I’m very much looking forward for his filming schedules and seeing him back in action. As the filming for City Conquest gets deeper the more action filming can be challenging for Hyun Joong the more it creates eagerness in his fans and just dying to see the results!
By the way, may just share some tidbits from some fans. Yesterday, a fan wrote in my comment box in my article Ending Tour and shared her experience in the recent fan meeting concert in Bangkok. She tag along her friend who is a non-fan of Kim Hyun Joong. As she was relating her friend truly enjoyed the concert and the funny thing is her friend can even scream and cheer louder than her!! Apparently her friend was quite impressed about Hyun Joong performance, the way he talks and his gentleness during the handshake session. Thank you for sharing, you know who you are.
This is a good example of what may be the effect of bringing along a non-fan friends at Hyun Joong’s concert. Through you even it’s not intending, it somehow pull in a new fan. We can multiply Hyun Joong’s fans through us his fans, even your intention is just to enjoy with the company of your friends and sharing Hyun Joong with them. Sometimes in the office or in school, when we talk about Kim Hyun Joong, the receiving end of whom you are relating his story may sometimes get irritated but eventually she’ll be interested!! If people keeps hearing the name it can somehow affects their curiosity and they start to be interested in Kim Hyun Joong!! Admit it or not, it happens!!
Oh and another tidbits, at the Global Mnet Kpop Championship, Kim Hyun Joong now is at No 1 spot. Super Junior comes next at No.2 spot, though Hyun joong is on top the gap is still too close. Alien let’s get to our move and VOTE. This time I think this competition is legit unlike the last time!! Robots here are made to be disables!! Oh I’m so glad! So I do hope you can find time to vote. No, I would rather say, if you can find time reading lengthy articles then you have time to vote!!
We have 12 days to go on voting. Spare even a little time in this poll voting, you just have to visit it everyday just like what you’re doing as you visit this blog site. No need to monitor because there won’t be robots anymore. Those robots had already been exploded at the City Conquest filming together with Baek Mir’s ememies!! This is very simple, here is how to vote:
Simply click the LINK, Global Mnet appears. Sign in which is at the right hand corner. And simply click on TRACKING just below Hyun Joong’s picture, sign out and you’re done. Come on VOTE NOW:
And for the last reminder, may I again appeal to Kim Hyun Joong fans residing in the US to please read the link below. It’s a petition from Chicago requesting for Hyun Joong to hold a fan meeting in Chicago USA. You may sign up from the link. Thank you.
Chicago Petition’s link:
Alien soldiers, let’s help each other in making others happy, love is sharing and that’s what we have in the Alien World sharing love. Fans from Asia maybe we can help Chicago by posting the link to disseminate information to be able to call on attention of fans residing in US who may not be aware of this petition. Let’s do that!! Go go go!!!
And my happy day of sharing Kim Hyun Joong ends from here as I shall see you again tomorrow for another story all about Kim Hyun Joong. The Prince is Back in action again as he resumes his filming for City Conquest we await for another action!! Go go go Kim Hyun Joong!!
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