[Twitter] Steven Lee introduce his co-worker on Young Saeng's album

Credit: steven lee @ twitter + sc by colorfullshine @ twitterRepost from https://youngsaengfacts.blogspot.com This morning, Steven Lee tweeted again. He promoted producers/songwriters who worked with him on YS solo mini album... I, personally, love the musics that they created... cant wait to receive my copy... ^^ ...

May 12, 2011

[Twitter] Steven Lee introduce his co-worker on Young Saeng's album

Credit: steven lee @ twitter + sc by colorfullshine @ twitter
Repost from https://youngsaengfacts.blogspot.com

This morning, Steven Lee tweeted again. He promoted producers/songwriters who worked with him on YS solo mini album... I, personally, love the musics that they created... cant wait to receive my copy... ^^