[Info] SS501 Destination album Rank #4 on Hanteo Real-Time Kpop Chart April 10th, 2012

Credit: ss501-thailand.blogspot.com Repost from http://hyunited-6686.blogspot.com/ SS501 Destination album was out in 2010, but surprisingly it was on #4 on Hanteo chart on April 10th, 2012 ^__^ ...

[News] Park Jung Min - Lawsuit Injunction with CNr Media

Eng trans by http://ss501ode.blogspot.com News source URL link: Sports Seoul, http://news.nate.com/view/20120412n28510/ Title: 박정민, 소속사와 법정 싸움 '일만 하고 수익금은…Title in english: Park Jung Min, lawsuit fight with agency, "Worked and worked, yet the profits were..."CNR미디어는 박정민이 지난 2010년 SS501로 활동했던 DSP미디어와 결별하고 개별 활동을 위해 전속계약을 맺은 회사다.english: CNR Media was the agency which signed on with Park Jung Min for his solo activities ever since he parted ways with the agency SS501 worked in - DSP Media last in 2010.외국계 법인회사로 매니지먼트 대표는 중화권 비즈니스에...

[Eng Subs] Kim Hyung Jun's drama 'Glowing She' Episode 8

credits: sunshinejunnie@yt  Translated from the chinese sub based on : WithJun (kimhyungjoon.com) and 517ww.com 's production English Translation : Angel @ flywithSS501.com Timing+ Encoding : HJ_fan @ kimhyungjunThailand.com ...

[News] Kim Hyun Joong is a Romantic Spring Guy for ‘Hang Ten’

Source: http://enewsworld.mnet.com/enews/contents.asp?idx=5432 Kim Hyun Joong is showing he can rock not only outdoors wear but casual wear as well. In newly released pictures for casual brand, Hang Ten, Kim sports a striped cardigan over a denim shirt, layered over a white T-shirt. Beige-colored khakis complete the ′romantic guy′ look just in time for spring. Kim is currently preparing for his Asian fan meeting tour, which is set...

[News] SS501 Park Jung Min To Sue CNR For Not Fulfilling The Contract [12.04.12]

Credits: http://www.mt.co.kr/English Translation:피오나@PJMIFCRedirect with full credits [ Park Jung Min International Fans Club http://www.park-jung-min.com] Member of the five-members male group SS501, Park Jung Min (25) filed an injunction against his agency for “not fulfilling the contract properly”. According to the legal circle on the 12th, Mr Park has applied an injunction to the Seoul Central District Court against his agency CNR to suspend the exclusive contract. Mr Park said, “The domestic profits should be divided by 8:2...

[Merchandise] Kim Hyung Jun - JJUNAWAY Official Merchandise

Credits:   wisecart.ne.jp Re-post from http://luxmae.blogspot.com/ ...

[Photo] Park Jung Min - Kwak Hyun Joo F/S (2012 SEOUL Fashion Week) [05.04.12]

Credits:   http://blog.naver.com/hongahn92Re-post from http://luxmae.blogspot.com ...

[Info] Kim Hyun Joong - "ASIA Fanmeeting 2012 in SINGAPORE" Searing Plan & Ticketing Details

Credits:   Running Into The Sun @ FB Re-post from http://luxmae.blogspot.com Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012 Ticketing Details! Priority Booking for UOB Cards: 18 Apr 10am Public Sales: 20 Apr 10am via SISTIC Running Into The Sun & AMC Group Singapore presentKim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 20124th May 2012 (Fri), 8pm Singapore Indoor StadiumTicket prices: $198* $168* $138* Ticketing...

[News] Kim Hyun Joong - MBC to air documentary on Kim Hyun Joong

Credits:   en.korea.com Source: TV Report  Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong, who is very popular in Japan, will be the topic of a documentary. MBC will produce a program which will report in-depth on K-pop stars, who capture the world, and will record 24 hours of their day. Kim will be the inaugural entertainer for the show. The K-pop Star Captures the World-Lucky Guy Kim Hyun Joong, which will document what...

[News] ‘K-Pop Stars Captivating the World’ to follow around Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong & PREVIEW [12.04.2012]

Credit: VITALSIGN  @ AllKpop  Source + Photos: Mydaily via Nate    Singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong  will be sharing his hidden passions through an MBC special titled ‘K-Pop Stars Captivating the World‘. The program will be following top K-Pop stars like Kim Hyun Joong, CNBLUE , B2ST , and IU  and go through a full 24 hour day...

[Video] Kim Hyun Joong Lotte Duty Free Star Avenue Promo [11.04.2012]

Credit: princesscarmen@YT ...

April 12, 2012

[Info] SS501 Destination album Rank #4 on Hanteo Real-Time Kpop Chart April 10th, 2012

Repost from http://hyunited-6686.blogspot.com/

SS501 Destination album was out in 2010, but surprisingly it was on #4 on Hanteo chart on April 10th, 2012 ^__^ 

[News] Park Jung Min - Lawsuit Injunction with CNr Media

Eng trans by http://ss501ode.blogspot.com

News source URL link: Sports Seoul, http://news.nate.com/view/20120412n28510/

Title: 박정민, 소속사와 법정 싸움 '일만 하고 수익금은…
Title in english: Park Jung Min, lawsuit fight with agency, "Worked and worked, yet the profits were..."

CNR미디어는 박정민이 지난 2010년 SS501로 활동했던 DSP미디어와 결별하고 개별 활동을 위해 전속계약을 맺은 회사다.

english: CNR Media was the agency which signed on with Park Jung Min for his solo activities ever since he parted ways with the agency SS501 worked in - DSP Media last in 2010.

외국계 법인회사로 매니지먼트 대표는 중화권 비즈니스에 능통한 인사로 알려졌다.

english: It is a corporate agency whereby its management CEO is someone proficient in the Mandarin entertainment circle.

가처분 신청의 배경은 수익금 정산에 있다. 

english: The reason for this injunction filed is because of the inappropriate calculation undertaken for profits that should have been received.

박정민은 지난해 1억 5000만원을 지급 받은 것을 제외하면 수익금이 배분된 게 없다는 주장이다. 

english: Park Jung Min's stand is that, apart from receiving 1.05 billion won from last year (not exactly only for last year's valid amount), there was no other appropriate amount of profits earned.

최근까지도 박정민은 대만과 일본에서 배우로 활발한 활동을 펼쳐왔다. 지난해 말에는 일본 도쿄 2회, 22일 오사카 2회 공연 등 총 4회에 걸쳐 크리스마스 공연을 열기도 했다.

english: Even recently, Park Jung Min has had made his way across Taiwan and Japan as an actor. Like last year-end (2011 December 21,22), he had held 2 shows in Tokyo on 21st Dec, and also another 2 shows in Osaka on 22nd Dec for Christmas 2011. 

그러나 갈등의 골이 깊어지면서 박정민은 현재 소속사와 '정서상' 결별한 상태다. 아직 서류상 전속계약 기간이 남아있기 때문에 다른 소속사와 함께 일할 수도 없는 상황이다. 

english: As the emotional conflicts with his agency escalates, right now, Park Jung Min is already in a departed status as of 'emotionally'. Though however as according to paper proof, there is still some remaining period left as was in the contract. So because of that, he may not be able to work with other agencies. (probably only until the injunction is approved)


News link collated from: Star Today Korea, Money Today Korea, TV ReportStarIN, etc

박정민은 "소속사와 국내 수익금은 8대 2( Local—Jungmin 8: agency 2), 해외 수익금은 5대 5(Local—Jungmin 5: Agency 5)로 나누기로 했다.

english: Park Jung Min has said that he and his agency initially agreed on it this way, "Domestic (Korea) profits will be 8:2 (Jungmin 8, Agency 2); whereas overseas profits would be 5:5 (Jungmin 5, Agency 5)."

박정민은 "지난해 1억5000만원을 지급한 것을 제외하면 수익금을 제대로 지불하지 않고 있다"고 주장한 것으로 알려졌다. 박정민은 그동안 전 소속사 측에 수익금을 배분을 요청하는 등 계약 이행을 요구한 것으로 전해졌다. 

english: He also disclosed, "Apart from the 1.05 billion won they paid last year, other than that, they did not been appropriately paying the necessary amount". All this while, he had been demanding the agency to fulfil their promise as was initially agreed on, though to no avail. 

박정민은 최근 스타in과 인터뷰서 "이미 지난 3월(MARCH 2012)부터 홀로 활동을 하고 있다"면서 "원만한 해결을 기대하고 있다"고 말했다.

english: In an interview with STARin recently, he has said, "I've already started doing activities on my own since March 2012""I look forward to a harmonious settlement". 

이어 "또 수익금 내역을 청구했음에도 수익금을 누락하거나 비용을 과다청구 하는 등 계약을 제대로 이행하지 않고 있다"며 "전속계약의 효력을 정지해 달라"고 덧붙였다.

english: "Though I been constantly claimly the necessary profits from them, they either keep giving excuses that they omitted accidentally, or that they say I'm overcharging them than should be", "and so I went to plead for injunction", as he added. 

[Eng Subs] Kim Hyung Jun's drama 'Glowing She' Episode 8

credits: sunshinejunnie@yt 
Translated from the chinese sub based on : WithJun (kimhyungjoon.com) and 517ww.com 's production
English Translation : Angel @ flywithSS501.com
Timing+ Encoding : HJ_fan @ kimhyungjunThailand.com

[News] Kim Hyun Joong is a Romantic Spring Guy for ‘Hang Ten’

Kim Hyun Joong is showing he can rock not only outdoors wear but casual wear as well.

In newly released pictures for casual brand, Hang Ten, Kim sports a striped cardigan over a denim shirt, layered over a white T-shirt. Beige-colored khakis complete the ′romantic guy′ look just in time for spring.

Kim is currently preparing for his Asian fan meeting tour, which is set to kick-off in Singapore before making stops in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Thailand and more.

For more behind-the-scenes look at Kim′s shoot, click here for the Hang Ten homepage.

Photo credit: Hang Ten

[News] SS501 Park Jung Min To Sue CNR For Not Fulfilling The Contract [12.04.12]

Credits: http://www.mt.co.kr/
English Translation:피오나@PJMIFC
Redirect with full credits [ Park Jung Min International Fans Club http://www.park-jung-min.com]

Member of the five-members male group SS501, Park Jung Min (25) filed an injunction against his agency for “not fulfilling the contract properly”.
According to the legal circle on the 12th, Mr Park has applied an injunction to the Seoul Central District Court against his agency CNR to suspend the exclusive contract.
Mr Park said, “The domestic profits should be divided by 8:2 with the agency, and the overseas by 5:5″ and “However, the agency has only paid 150 million won last year. Except that, the profits are not paid properly”
Moreover, “The agreement is not properly fulfilled, such as the claiming for profit breakdown, the missing profits or excess costs charged, etc.” and “(Seek for an injunction)To stop the effectiveness of the exclusive contract”, he added.


[News] SS501 Park Jung Min To Sue CNR For Not Fulfilling The Contract [12.04.12]

Source: Naver & NATE
Chinese Translation: 阿四 @ SS501 Baidu Bar
Eng Translation: @cll_slam10
Pls repost with credits
Idol grp SS501 member Park Jung Min stated “As the contract cannot be fulfilled as normal” applied to sue the company.
On 12 Apr, according to a personnel within the law circle stated that Park Jung Min went to Seoul Central District Court to sue his company CNR for unable to perform according to the contract.
Park Jung Min stated that “We have agreed on the domestic revenue payments to be 8:2 and for overseas revenue payment to be 5:5, but the company other than giving 1.5 billion won, they failed to pay other benefit payments.”
Another also said “Even if we want a transparent benefits accounts of the revenue, seeing there are loopholes in the revenues and also the application fees etc which they are unable to perform, is to suspend the contract.”

[Merchandise] Kim Hyung Jun - JJUNAWAY Official Merchandise

Credits:   wisecart.ne.jp
Re-post from http://luxmae.blogspot.com/

[Photo] Park Jung Min - Kwak Hyun Joo F/S (2012 SEOUL Fashion Week) [05.04.12]

Credits:   http://blog.naver.com/hongahn92
Re-post from http://luxmae.blogspot.com

[Info] Kim Hyun Joong - "ASIA Fanmeeting 2012 in SINGAPORE" Searing Plan & Ticketing Details

Credits:   Running Into The Sun @ FB
Re-post from http://luxmae.blogspot.com

Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012 Ticketing Details!

Priority Booking for UOB Cards: 18 Apr 10am Public Sales: 20 Apr 10am via SISTIC

Running Into The Sun & AMC Group Singapore present

Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting 2012

4th May 2012 (Fri), 8pm 
Singapore Indoor Stadium

Ticket prices:
  • $198*
  • $168*
  • $138*

Ticketing Details 

Priority Booking Period
  • There will be a 3-day priority booking period commencing on 18th April, 10am - 20th April, 9am.Exclusive to UOB One & Debit card customers ONLY. 
  • UOB One and Debit Card Cardmembers can purchase tickets via online, phone booking or over any SISTIC counters by using their respective cards. 
  • There is a limit of 4 tickets per transaction, regardless of which platform you purchase the ticket(s) from.

Not yet a UOB One Card or UOB Debit Card Cardmember?
  • Apply for UOB One Card now via the express service (get your card within 24 hours) at www.uob.com.sg/express[1]
  • Apply for a UOB One Card at UOB Lite at Toa Payoh or Suntec City and receive your card in five hours if you apply before 4pm everyday[2]
  • Apply for UOB Debit Cards at any UOB branch 

Public Sales
  • Public sales will commence on 20th April.
  • The tickets can be bought across all channels from 10 am.
  • There is a limit of 4 tickets per transaction, regardless of which platform you purchase the ticket(s) from.
Go to www.sistic.com.sg for more information on booking outlets.
Ticket bookings can be made conveniently from your office or home through SISTIC hotline at: (065) 348 5555

Black market tickets will be strictly monitored and recorded on our end. We hope that everyone behaves in a socially responsible manner and not succumb to the impulse to buy tickets from resellers who are seeking to exploit K-pop fans. If you proceed to buy any black market tickets, do note you might be asked for an ID check at the door, and RITS reserves the right to refuse entry at door.

[1] To enjoy privileges on your UOB One Card 24 hours, all supporting documents must be submitted at time of application

[2] To enjoy privileges on your UOB One Card within 5 hours, all supporting documents must be submitted at time of application

[News] Kim Hyun Joong - MBC to air documentary on Kim Hyun Joong

Credits:   en.korea.com
Source: TV Report 

Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong, who is very popular in Japan, will be the topic of a documentary.
MBC will produce a program which will report in-depth on K-pop stars, who capture the world, and will record 24 hours of their day.

Kim will be the inaugural entertainer for the show. The K-pop Star Captures the World-Lucky Guy Kim Hyun Joong, which will document what Kim is doing in Japan, is slated to air on April 14.

On April 12, the production crew for the show said that the show will air Kim’s Japanese arena tour, fan meeting in Korea, activities in foreign countries, and preparation for his new album, which will be released in June.

The show will also air why Kim was depressed when he was performing in Japan and how he felt about it. In addition, Kim will show off his 10 year long friendship with JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong. His school life and acting career will be discussed as well.

After Kim K-pop Star Captures the World will air about CNBLUE, B2ST, and IU

[News] ‘K-Pop Stars Captivating the World’ to follow around Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong & PREVIEW [12.04.2012]

Credit: VITALSIGN  @ AllKpop 
Source + Photos: Mydaily via Nate 
Singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong  will be sharing his hidden passions through an MBC special titled K-Pop Stars Captivating the World‘.
The program will be following top K-Pop stars like Kim Hyun Joong, CNBLUE B2ST , and IU  and go through a full 24 hour day with them to see just what is behind the scenes, in an effort to better determine whether the Hallyu wave can continue to grow all over the world or eventually run stagnant.
The focus will be on Kim Hyun Joong, especially since he’s created a Hallyu empire with just his name. One Japanese critic had stated, “In 2012, the direction of K-Pop will change to focus on solo artists, and Kim Hyun Joong is expected to stand as leader of that change. All eyes are on him.”
‘K-Pop Stars Captivating the World’ will give a glimpse into his international activities and the preparation he undergoes for his concert at the Yokohama Arena.
The program airs on April 14th.

[Video] Kim Hyun Joong Lotte Duty Free Star Avenue Promo [11.04.2012]

Credit: @YT