Credit: @98pati + hyunited6686
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앨리스 @wonderrrgirl
HJ at Jaksal again? kekeke, he was at Jaksal yesterday too ^^&nbs...
[News] "BOF" is at 2nd position in the list of International fans' most favorite dramas
Source + Photos: Mydaily via Naver
Last month, Arirang TV‘s ‘Showbiz Korea‘ opened up a three week long poll on their official homepage that asked international netizens to pick their most favorite Korean drama.
According to 2,024 international participants, the drama that won over the most hearts was none other thanSBS‘s ‘Secret Garden‘, which came in at first with 16.1% of the votes.
Following in the ‘Top 7′ were ‘Boys Over Flowers‘, ‘You’re Handsome‘ ‘Coffee Prince‘, ‘Goong‘, ‘Sungkyunkwan...
[Photo] Kim Hyun Joong 2012 Fan Meeting in Seoul Catalogue Scans by SAMJSIN

Credit: http: //blog. sina. com. cn/samjsin
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[Photo] Hyung Jun media interview with Chosunonline
Photos Courtesy (
[Translations] Autographs and P.S messages from KHJ during ‘Lucky’ album promotions
Source: A-hlia’s blog
Korean-English Translation: wonderrrgirl
*PLEASE give full credits, and don’t edit or take out anything*
‘Lucky’ album fansign #1 & #2: Daegu (2011.10.19) & Ilsan (2011.10.20)
The 17th autograph from Hyun Joong~ ♥♥♥
At the next fan sign in Ilsan, I received an additional P.S~^^
(wonderrrgirl: for personal reasons, she has edited away the P.S message so no translations for this particular message either.)
And for the photo of the album below….
It’s the ‘Lucky’ album...
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March 12, 2012
[Photo] KIM HYUN JOONG had dinner at Jaksal today [2012.03.12]
Credit: @98pati + hyunited6686
Sharing some Tweets
앨리스 @wonderrrgirl
HJ at Jaksal again? kekeke, he was at Jaksal yesterday too ^^
[News] "BOF" is at 2nd position in the list of International fans' most favorite dramas
Last month, Arirang TV‘s ‘Showbiz Korea‘ opened up a three week long poll on their official homepage that asked international netizens to pick their most favorite Korean drama.
According to 2,024 international participants, the drama that won over the most hearts was none other thanSBS‘s ‘Secret Garden‘, which came in at first with 16.1% of the votes.
Following in the ‘Top 7′ were ‘Boys Over Flowers‘, ‘You’re Handsome‘ ‘Coffee Prince‘, ‘Goong‘, ‘Sungkyunkwan Scandal‘, and ‘Full House‘.
When asked to choose a male actor that they would like as their boyfriend, 15.3% chose Hyun Bin while 13.9% chose Ha Ji Won as the female character they would like to be reborn as.
[Photo] Hyung Jun media interview with Chosunonline
Photos Courtesy (
[Translations] Autographs and P.S messages from KHJ during ‘Lucky’ album promotions
Source: A-hlia’s blog
Korean-English Translation: wonderrrgirl
*PLEASE give full credits, and don’t edit or take out anything*
‘Lucky’ album fansign #1 & #2: Daegu (2011.10.19) & Ilsan (2011.10.20)
The 17th autograph from Hyun Joong~ ♥♥♥
At the next fan sign in Ilsan, I received an additional P.S~^^
(wonderrrgirl: for personal reasons, she has edited away the P.S message so no translations for this particular message either.)
And for the photo of the album below….
It’s the ‘Lucky’ album where I received three autographs and three P.S messages in it.
I searched hard among all the albums I’ve bought and found the lucky number 860660
Even though it is a pity that it’s not 860606…^^;;;;
But still, I showed the numbers to Hyun Joong…
and he gave such a pretty smile~~~ hehehehe
‘Lucky’ album fan sign #3 & #4: Incheon (2011.10.21) & Gangnam 2011.10.23)
The 20th autograph from Hyun Joong, including a P.S message~♥♥♥
The additional P.S message was received at Gangnam’s fan sign~
(wonderrrgirl: the autograph was received in Incheon, and later Hyun Joong added a P.S message during Gangnam’s fan sign)
”Noona, that promise I’ve made with you, I promise I will keep it. See you next time”
Hyun Joong ah~
A photo of the pinky-hand shake we’ve made have been taken, so I will trust that you will keep that promise(?) ~~ kekekeke
‘Lucky’ album fan sign #5: Busan (2011.10.25)
The 21st autograph from Hyun Joong~ ♥♥♥
Hyun Joong pondered for a moment where he should write the P.S message…
Indeed with his unique word spacings…kekekekeke
and wrote a P.S all over UZOOSIN’s face~~kekekeke
”Noona, To go all over the country is very difficult, but hwaiting !!”
(wonderrrgirl: This is with reference to her going for all the fan signs in Korea)
But, Kim Hyun Joong~~
It wasn’t the least bit difficult for me at all~~hee
Rather than thinking the journey to meet you is difficult… my heart was in a flutter and I’m happy~~^^
‘Lucky’ album fan sign #6: Time Square (2011.10.26)
22nd autograph from Hyun Joong and P.S~ ♥♥♥
I told Hyun Joong about going to the Busan Hallyu Concert, and how it has been a long time since I went with my friends to Busan to play,
so Hyun Joong wrote the following P.S message~~hehe
“Go to Busan and eat many delicious food there”
‘Lucky’ album fan sign #7: I-Park Mall (2011.10.30)
23th autograph from Hyun Joong and P.S ♥♥♥
Before this fan sign, I had a car accident and my car was badly damaged, I wasn’t sure if I need to have it scrapped or not then…
and Hyun Joong wrote a very ‘Hyun Joong’ P.S message~~kekekekekeke
”I hope you win a lottery and get a new car..”
‘Lucky’ album fan sign #8: Daejeon (2011.11.05)
24th autograph from Hyun Joong and P.S~ ♥♥♥
Recently, everything has been so difficult and distressing….
and Hyun Joong wrote this P.S message~~
“Noona, I’ll pray for you to not have any difficult times… or distressful times…”
Also, ‘To. Ahlia noona’ was replaced by “Ahlia~♥’~~~hehehe
Me too….
Hyun Joong ah~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥
========== END =========
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