Written by LazerKim
By LazerKim: Memories are parts of our life, be it good or not so good, many events in our lives will remain unforgettable, specially significant ones. Kim Hyun Joong visited a certain place in Japan, where he had been four years ago, when he was still with his group the SS501. The second part of Hyun Joong’s documentary was already translated and had been posted. In my recent article, I have written a gist of the documentary as how I describe what I viewed from the video clip without the subtitles. This time I’ll talk about the details in part two of the documentary.
Around late 2007, Hyun Joong’s group SS501 debuted in the Japanese market to release their first Japanese single “Kokoro”. And again the group came back in 2008 to resume their other activities. In January this year, Hyun Joong came back to Japan as he debuted as solo singer, and had the chance to visit the place where he and his members used to visit whenever they were in Japan. It was rather a narrow busy street with small business establishments.
In the Documentary, Hyun Joong stated:
Many things have change I see, this corner has change a lot. It doesn’t look good, it seems like the country area, I used to play many different games here……… In the past I came here a lot.
Hyun Joong entered a small restaurant, where he and his members usually had meals, and looking inside there are many items and memories including a poster of Hyun Joong was shown as he affix his signature on the poster. Hyun Joong pointed out somewhat a frame with his signature dated June 17, 2008. The owner of the restaurant mentioned that there were five guys came in around at least five times.
She’s pertaining to the group SS501, and she was saying, they were sweet and nice. Whenever she would ask them questions they would answer right away. The Japanese ladies who were costumers were saying Korean kids are well mannered and respect their elders. The group earned a lot of praises from the Japanese costumers from that restaurant, that the owner had never forgotten.
I can only imagine, the group must had a good time back then. As this group were known to be cheerful, friendly and humble. I can only imagine them walking in that narrow street, joking around with each other as they always were, and enjoying themselves within a strange place for their first time in Japan.
Hyun Joong moved in to another restaurant to have lunch. As the narrator said in the documentary,
Even though he made it big in S.Korea and doing well in Japan too, it wasn’t easy in the past and he still bare the scars from it.
May I repeat as Ms. Lina quote:….. The past is behind, we must learn from it. The future is ahead, we must prepare for it. The present is now, we must live with it…..
Hyun Joong stated:
I was thinking about the older days, in Japan debuting I used to have panic attacks. To be honest at the young age, where you’re suppose to be care free and nothing to be stressed about, coming to Japan, I was thinking, do we have to go through so much? Even when it was Korean New Year I couldn’t go home, and everyday stuck inside. From that point I think I like the dark. Even in my house I keep the blinds close. Like then I do that a bit now. When it’s bright I can’t sleep now think well.
I have experienced working in other countries, and one thing that I have to fight back was the feeling of being homesick. Japan is one of the most expensive country in Asia. If one would be working there, you would only think of work. If you want to unwind, go to places for a booze or any leisure activity, you would think twice, because it’s so expensive for someone whose purpose is to work and earn.
I think I do understand how Hyun Joong felt that time when he was still young, to be in strange place and considering it’s his first time to be in Japan. It must be lonely for him. I had the same experience as him when I was in Japan for the first time. And for a young one back then like Hyun Joong, he’s right in saying at young age one should be care free and stress free. But Hyun Joong had gone through with all stress being an young artist.
I can imagine Hyun Joong on his first few weeks in Japan as a first timer, he barely can understand the language, he can only interact with his members, and of course the culture and food. For a young age to take a lot of adjustments can be so tough. And to be away from home on New Year can be lonely even his members were with him, I can just imagine each of them has certain degree of feeling homesick. Back in the past, everything was new to Hyun Joong having to work in other country, that he has no choice but to endure.
And as I watch this documentary, reminiscing his past, Hyun Joong can now just laugh it out since he was still very young that time to experienced such stress. But then again what Hyun Joong had to endure in his past, are just a part of his learning process for him to be strong as present. Let’s just say, he’s off the hook, right now he’s much stronger and matured to handle his own stress which I think no matter what challenges he may face now, it’s gonna be much easier for him to manage.
In the Documentary this was stated:
After the success in Japan, he’s back to work planning his Asian Tour and his new album seriously. In meetings giving his ideas and opinion Kim Hyun Joong remembering his ideas from start to finish is pretty exceptional. He thinks about his work very carefully, also in meeting and making his album or on stage he think and come out with things others hasn’t thought about. He’s brilliant and seem to study many things.
All the while Hyun Joong has been keeping silent, while he was already preparing for his future, which is the Asian tour and his third album. Time must be running too fast, the month of June will soon be in front of us, which means Hyun Joong’s first album Breakdown will be celebrating its first anniversary!!! And this is gonna be in less than two months from now!! Hyun Joong indeed has remarkably accomplished so much within one year since June 2011, as he launched his first album as a solo performing artist.
Have you ever thought about it? Oh I would be preparing for a run down of all he had accomplished since his solo debut, as we reminisce Hyun Joong’s memory lane of success this time around. If Hyun Joong went back in time, in that narrow street reminiscing his hardships, then maybe on his first year anniversary as solo singer, Hyun Joong will be looking back on how he prepared his first memorable album. And probably be looking inside his bags of awards with a smile in his face!!
They said, the past should be buried, and face future head on. Others would say, if a person lives in the past, will have a hard time accepting the present and would be scared in facing the future. But this quote above is the best, “Heal the past, Live the present, and Dream the future”. I can see Hyun Joong in this quote, shared by a die hard mother fan of his. I think he had this quote in mind as we see how he is at present.
I may not know much about Hyun Joong to judge him, but seeing from what he tells us, I think Hyun Joong is a very practical, realistic, and independent type of person. I wouldn’t say he had ever forgotten the past, apparently Hyun Joong even visited a place he used to go back in his past. The past will always be a memory in his heart, that taught him to be strong. And I don’t think he’ll ever forget that. He will never forget where he came from and where he first learned his first step towards his stardom.
Hyun Joong will always cherish his moments of the past that brought him great joy. There may be scars of experience where he learned from, but Hyun Joong is also realistic that what matters to him now is the present and the future. He has a vision and remained focus on that vision. This is how I see him and how I understand him after following Hyun Joong’s every success as a solo artist.
Hyun Joong has many upcoming activities for his fans that again will surprise us, as he does them for the love of his fans. Kim Hyun Joong has his own personal memory lane as he shares it us. For us fans, we build our memory lane with Kim Hyun Joong as he shares his music with us, that will always be remembered…. LazerKim here writing
Fan arts with Quotes fr: Ms. Lina Perez, Thanks
Photo credits as tagged, Thanks.
KHJ Documentary pt 2 (sub eng) CLICK HERE> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncaJtEQpPf0&feature=BFa&list=PLF62FE23016FF8776&index=20)
Video Credits: Jackiek606 Thanks
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