Japanese-English translation by OnlyKHJtimes
( @Onlykhjtimes / http://onlykhjtimes.blogspot.com )
*[Note: All re-posts must be with full credit]*
Some Japanese fans gave the feedback that KHJ's Osaka dialect was super-cute! Like when he pronounced 'tsuutenkaku', which means historic building, he pronounced it 'CHU-tenkaku' instead. And 'meccha sukiyanen', which means 'I really love you' (awwwww~) in Osaka dialect, he really made many hearts aflutter. Many Japanese fan-girls + women love the statement + the way he pronounced the words! ^^
There was one 'Get to know Rida More - True or False' segment, and he was asked: Do you like alcohol? He answered 'False', so immediately after he said that, many fans booed. RoFL*
Then there was 1 fan who said loudly, "I like Seung Jo (HJ's character in Playful Kiss, Baek Seung Jo)", so HJ asked her: "Which one do you like? Seung Jo or Hyun Joong?" He was happy when she answered "Hyun Joong"... OmG...Why this U:zoosin is so cute? Hehehe...
( @Onlykhjtimes / http://onlykhjtimes.blogspot.com )
*[Note: All re-posts must be with full credit]*
Some Japanese fans gave the feedback that KHJ's Osaka dialect was super-cute! Like when he pronounced 'tsuutenkaku', which means historic building, he pronounced it 'CHU-tenkaku' instead. And 'meccha sukiyanen', which means 'I really love you' (awwwww~) in Osaka dialect, he really made many hearts aflutter. Many Japanese fan-girls + women love the statement + the way he pronounced the words! ^^
There was one 'Get to know Rida More - True or False' segment, and he was asked: Do you like alcohol? He answered 'False', so immediately after he said that, many fans booed. RoFL*
Then there was 1 fan who said loudly, "I like Seung Jo (HJ's character in Playful Kiss, Baek Seung Jo)", so HJ asked her: "Which one do you like? Seung Jo or Hyun Joong?" He was happy when she answered "Hyun Joong"... OmG...Why this U:zoosin is so cute? Hehehe...
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