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Another digest version of City Conquest will be released very soon in Korea, according to CEO of Trend Beaute:
The special digest version of City of Conquest covers episode 6 and 7 though it was introduced as EP 1 and 2 at the event. Further, it was cut back from 30-minutes edited in Korea to the shorter one in Japan. They had to take into account the time for Hyun Joong’s live performance.
It may be difficult to understand the entire story from the digest, but another version will be released very soon.
After the event, we moved to the restarurant for a closing party, I happened to listen to very interesting conversation in a car on the way to the party venue.
It was the first time for me to listen to his songs live at Budoukan. All the songs were rearranged for the purpose of band performance; he really worked hard to prepare for this live.
The director (Mr.Yang, CCQ director) who had also seen Hyun Joong ssi’s live in the past mentioned as follows:
Huyn Joong ssi usually sings at his high tone, which, he thinks, a bit womanlike style and maybe good as if continues only as a singer. The director feels today’s performance much matured and deep, which he thinks will be better if Hyun Joong ssi continues as actor as well. Everyone in the same car preferred band performance.
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