By LazerKim: Last night the twitter was so silent, it’s like walking in an empty street or like the ghost town and all I can read is missing Kim Hyuun Joong!! There’s only one update I got, it from the City Conquest filming as Jung Yoo Mi portraying Lee Dan Bi a jewelry designer, was seated in a slab rock holding a cup ramen, and it seems she was waiting for Baek Mir. Lee Dan Bi’s character is an innocent and hopelessly romantic. it was said that Jung Yoo Mi has been gaining jealousy from Hyun Joong’s fans!! Are we starting to get jealous over Hyun Joong’s leading lady? Well maybe not as yet, we’ll when City Conquest start rolling on out TV.!!
And talking about jealousy, I got this article which I have written sometime in March this year at the same fan mood “Bored”, since Hyun Joong is in the work mode, this would somehow ease a bit of our boredom. Let’s talk about your partners in life, don’t get me wrong I’m not trying pry on your privacy, this is just a girl’s talk or just curiosity. Many of us are living single like myself and I’m just curious about your relationship with your boyfriend or husband, having Hyun Joong in the presence in your life.
One morning, as I was chatting with the other fans at the twitter who are married, I thought of their personal lives and started interrogating!! My first question was, does your partners ever get jealous of Kim Hyun Joong? Jealousy I think could be a natural part in any relationship, though this does not apply to all relationships, and only for some. But of course excessive jealousy is different. They said petty jealousy can sometime be the icing in a relationship. Sometimes there are some wives or girlfriends who would seek attention from their partner and make their men jealous, to prove his affection!! Actually I’m one of those teasers!! Childish it may be but sometimes it happens specially to the young ones.
We stay up late at night spending time at the twitter chatting with other fans about Hyun Joong, viewing his view clips or reading anything about him. I was just wondering, while doing so, do your partners ever suspect anything? And majority of them said their partners know about Kim Hyun Joong and let them be whatever they’re doing over their computer.
But many of the fans has Hyun Joong’s collection items that they kept hidden from their partners inside their closet, that no one can see!! Then one fan said her HJ memory items are still neatly wrap still new as in newly purchased. Another fan said her husband knew about Hyun Joong, but her husband knows she’s just watching drama over her laptop! But actually she was at the twitter searching for updates about Hyun Joong and chatting with the other fans!!
Without her husband knowing she is a Hyun Joong addict, that the topic over twitter was all about Hyun Joong. And I asked, does he ever get jealous? She replied “He should be thankful I’m just staying home and doing my on line routine!! But my husband is very supportive to me being a fan off Hyun Joong”!! Which I agree, there’s no better place than home because you can sit back and enjoy updating all about Hyun Joong!! For me, I would be contented with that arrangement if I have a partner, for as long as I got my computer and internet, I’ll be alive! Actually I wouldn’t know as yet on how am I if I have a partner and being a fan writer for Kim Hyun Joong!
A much younger fan said, she has a huge poster of Hyun Joong in her room and I would assume it’s at her front facing her bed. She said her boyfriend gets nightmare out of the picture of Hyun Joong!! But he still supports her craziness about Hyun Joong! And another fan said her boyfriend was getting jealous because he came to see her but she was busy watching Playful Kiss!! She allowed him to stay for a night so that she would be able to watch Playful Kiss further without her boyfriend bugging her around!!
One of the fans had guessed what topic I intend to write after my interrogation as she said, ”you’re so lucky because you’re single and you have all the freedom to do as you wish!” I agree for obvious reasons of course, I can have more of my free time spend for update and write about Kim Hyun Joong. Another fan said every time his husband is at the work night shift, she has more time in the evening to hit the internet. Her husband doesn’t get jealous because he knows she was just playing games at FB!! Although he knows about her being a fan of Hyun Joong.
She too has a collection of Hyun Joong’s posters hidden inside her closet, as her husband said she can have it but do not post it to the wall where her husband can see! Therefore their partners knew all about Hyun Joong and their daily routine at the internet! One fan I know is quite open with her husband about Hyun Joong that she can freely use the internet and twit, because her husband is aware that his wife’s twitters are all female and that she can discuss with him about what she reads from the updates!
Another fan was saying, her husband watched Korean dramas with her, she can freely discuss what she reads at the internet about Hyun Joong’s updates, and she was able to attend the fan meeting in Hongkong with her husband which he also enjoyed. The couple had a chance to spend some bonding moments too. Her husband was jokingly saying he has to keep himself handsome just like Hyun Joong, and that’s so sweet! It’s nice to be sharing Hyun Joong that we can only be proud of.
Many of you have partners whom you love so dearly, and loves you just as much to understand your admiration to Kim Hyun Joong. Some of us may hide our little fan girly giggle from our partners, as some matured fans relates their story feeling a bit shy that they still do have that girly feeling at our age. Those feelings that we’re shy to reveal to others which is natural, but we can easily share it here because we’re at the same boat. I’m happy though for the mother fans whom they can share these girly feeling with their daughters. Visualizing them, I see a wonderful bonding moments with their family members having Hyun Joong around them.
I wouldn’t ask why do you like Hyun Joong because I already know the answer to that. As most of us calls this as another world far away from reality and yet it’s real. Hyun Joong is real, we fans are real and I believe the love of admiration we feel for Hyun Joong is real. Our partners do understand the human natural admiration we have for Hyun Joong being a star in showbiz.
If they may be jealous, which I don’t read from any of the fans I have interrogated, it could be they are jealous of attention, or the time we spend for Hyun Joong. Needless to say, of course if our partner is around, we give that quality time to them 100%. I don’t see anything wrong with sharing with them our thoughts just like the couple I mentioned earlier. Although I can understand, the girly feeling is probably the only thing we matured fans find it a bit uneasy to share with our partners!
Hyun Joong became our breather, that somehow for just a little time we divert our thoughts from whatever we are struggling about. It became our daily habit to find out what’s going on around Hyun Joong as we read the daily updates, or if not, we start looking for his other fans we can share with because they too are connected to Hyun Joong just as much as you are. When I started following Hyun Joong, I was a complete computer illiterate, well I guess until now I still am! But the first thing I did was to look for other fans of Hyun Joong. I was so eager to share what I feel, I want to understand why am I so engross with searching for anything about Hyun Joong.
Then I came across an article which I couldn’t even remember where I read it but it talks about being addicted to Kim Hyun Joong. It was only then I understood that what I actually feel is addiction. At the comment box of that article, I asked the writer where can I find the other fans of Hyun Joong? She’s accommodating and she advice me to go to twitter! And so I open up an account search for people whom I can follow. And wallah! I was so happy there were number of fans exchanging thoughts. I think that was my happiest moment in searching for Kim Hyun Joong!!
I am not in a committed relationship at present, I’m living alone meaning I do not have my family with me, they are in US. And so I consider the fans to be my partner, they are the ones whom I can share with that I have an easy access. And honestly, because of Hyun Joong I can easily communicate with my family from US because I spend my free time after work at the internet. I learned a lot from people from all walks of life that it’s definite Hyun Joong lead me to this path where I find happiness at least at this stage of my life.
Some of the fan would ask me, how does Hyun Joong affect your life? Then I said, Hyun Joong had changed life. That because of him, I was able to do a lot of things that I have never done in my entire life. And one of it is writing that I never thought that I have such interest or maybe Hyun Joong lead me to have such interest. Some fans would tell me “you have touched many hearts”, I was thinking, no it’s not me, it’s Hyun Joong who had touched your heart, I’m just a messenger to relate his life story to you and to let you know who Kim Hyun Joong is.
Many of Hyun Joong fans had somehow change their lives one way of another. And I would say majority of them are changes for the better. A lot of the fans if not all finds inspiration through Kim Hyun Joong, specially the young students. Because Hyun Joong is a very good model to the young generation. I also have a quite a number of readers who are students. They would relate to me, after coming from school the first thing they do is hit the internet and read articles while resting from school work.
After reading, they start their home work and school work. After which they go back to the internet and search for updates. So far I would think, I have responsible student fan readers which I’m truly happy about. Hyun Joong became their partner as an inspiration to their studies. I can still remember, a young fan was relating whenever she feels a bit lazy and would want to sleep, she would say, “if Hyun Joong can have just a few hours sleep and go to work, then I can do that too.”
Going back to the question “Does your partner get jealous with Kim Hyun Joong”. I think our partner will only get jealous if the attention that is suppose to be his is being given to Hyun Joong instead. Needless to say, having a quality time with our partner and our family should be priority above anything else. Hyun Joong can only be our inspiration to be more loving, to be more caring and affectionate to our family. This is exactly how I feel and this is one of the changes in me since I started following Hyun Joong. I became more in touch with my family.
May I just share, I have a fan friend who I look up as a mother in the fandom, and she’s quite active in updating news about Hyun Joong. She has been taking care of her husband who has ailment. I have experienced taking care of my brother who was a dialysis patient. As I mentioned he introduced Hyun Joong to me. For the last four years of his life I have been at side until the last day he closed his eyes. I know how it feels to be holding a life of another in your own hands and it was quite stressful. Back then I got no one since there’s only the two of us left in my country, and he died being legally single.
So when I knew Mama Lina has been taking care of her husband, I said to myself she’s lucky because she has her family physically with her and it’s easier if you’re not alone in taking care. And then she has Hyun Joong to somehow help her divert her thoughts that can relieve the stress and I think it helps her lot, because Mama Lina is such a cheerful person but strong when it comes to defending Hyun Joong, believe me!! She looks up on Hyun Joong like his youngest son!
I think this is Hyun Joong’s role in our daily lives since he is our breather to ease our daily struggles even just a bit to divert our thoughts for little while to come up new again and face another day of struggle but with the feeling of being refresh or recharged. There will always be that little space in our heart that belongs to Kim Hyun Joong inspiring us in our daily lives to move forward.
Kim Hyun Joong will always be our daily life partner to breath with and inspiration in loving others above him. For my parting shots may I just share with you from a fan collection, as it says…..
The reason for me loving you is because there is no reason at all. Because the real reason attached is that no words can describe the meaning of loving you…….
LazerKim here writing.
Photo credits as tagged, Ms. D, KHJean14 thanks.
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