Credit: Lazer Kim
By: LazerKim I hereby call for full force among the Alien Soldiers, let’s join hand in hand as we raise the Prince Kim Hyun Joong to the top where he deserves to be on the highest rank. This is a competition between the idol groups and the soloist idol Kim Hyun Joong, this is a fight between David and Goliath the giant. Let us put our acts together as we do our best to beat the giants.
The idol groups consist of 10 members for each group but Kim Hyun Joong is by himself alone as a soloist, in short it’s 10 against 1. This is a great challenge for us fans, and I believe in each and every fans effort. This is the best way we can show our support to Kim Hyun Joong. The voting polls shall end on the 27th of this month, so we have all the time to vote for as long as we vote religiously everyday.
Here’s the latest ranking status as of 2:47pm today:
1. Girl’s Generation (39.5%) 86,210 votes
2. Super Junior (36.9%) 80,429 votes
3. Kim Hyun Joong (13.4%) 29,192 votes
4. Beast (12.9%) 28,119 votes
5. Jang Geun Suk (11.4%) 24,926 votes
Kim Hyun Joong may be on the third ranking, the gap from Hyun Joong and Super Junior may be a huge one, but we can not just give in without a good fight. This is just my point. I think many fans are still not aware about the Mnet, so may I suggest that we keep posting the Mnet LINK from time to time so that everyone can have the chance to vote.
Again here are some guide lines in voting for the new fans:
1.) In order to vote log in to any of the following, Twitter and Face Book. If you still do not have an account from any mentioned above, you may create an account by visiting the Google and choose any of these two social network you want to log in. Or you may sign up at Global Mnet and create your account directly from the Mnet voting, (pls refer to the LINK bellow)
2..) Voting is once a day per ID. So if you have multiple ID’s, meaning with different username and password, then you may use them any time within the day.
3.) There are at least 17 categories and Hyun Joong falls on the 13th category which is GLOBAL STAR. You can see his picture and simply click on the picture.
3.) Please be reminded that you are required to vote on all categories to complete the voting process otherwise your vote can not be validated. You may vote any of the celebrities on each categories depending on your choice. But of course, the most important thing is to vote for Kim Hyun Joong at the Global Star category.
Mnet 20′s Choice LINK CLICK HERE>( VOTE NOW!!
For those who would wish to have multiple IDs, you may register at Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail ect. and may create an account at Global Mnet. You may use this LINK below, there’s a sign up at the right hand corner of the page.
Do not be discourage with its ranking this is just the start, instead be strong and let it be a challenge for us fans in bringing Hyun Joong to his title Global Star. He deserves to have it and we fan all over the world knows this. While we show our support to Hyun Joong and let us not forget to pray for him as always…..Remember, prayers move mountains….believe.
Please keep on re-posting or re-twit the Global Mnet LINK so that everyone can have the comfort in voting. In Full Force of the Alien soldier we can bring Hyun Joong to the top. Again, we fans are not giving up without a good fight….VOTE NOW!
LazerKim here writing
Photo credits as tagged, KHJean14, thanks
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