Photos source: JUNUS Official Page (
Translation: ONLY JUN (
Repost with credits
안녕하세요~ 김형준입니다!!! 늦더위에 다들 건강하신지요~? 전 여러분과 함께 즐겼던 섬머페스티벌의 뜨거웠던 감동이 식지않아 큰일이네요 어쩌죠….^^;;Hello~ This is Kim Hyung Jun!!! Everyone is in good health in the late summer heat~? The intensive touching/moving feeling which I felt from having Summer Festival with together with everyone has still not subsided. This is a serious matter. What to do…,^^;;
형준이가 말하는 섬머페스티벌 “ㄷ..뒤..뒷” 이야기^^;;;!!!! 함께 떠나보시죠~!!!As what Hyung Jun says, Summer festival “Be..beh..behind” Story ^^;;;!!!!
Let’s go and have a look together~!!!
일본 팬 분들을 만나러 형준이가 일본에 도착을~ 했습니다~!!!! 원래 전 비를 부르는 남자인데;;; 동경 첫 공연 빼고는 날씨가 모두 좋았던 것 같아요~ 아 좋아라!!To meet Japanese fans, Hyung Jun arrived in Japan~!!!! By nature I’m a rain-calling guy;;; Except for Tokyo first performance, the weather were all very good~ Ah good!!
동경 첫 공연 비오는 날 인증샷! 나는야 비를 부르는 사나이~~ 으악!!!!!!!Rainy day for the first Tokyo performance, evidence shot! I’m a rain-calling man~~ Ugh!!!!!!
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