Credits to Newsen +
A microphone malfunction at Heo Youngsaeng’s goodbye stage last night showed his professionalism. On June 17th, he took to Music Bank’s stage to perform “Let It Go” for the last time.
Youngsaeng gave a great performance, showing off his vocal prowess. However, the ear microphone that he was using suddenly stopped working; for a brief moment his voice was inaudible, sending his fans who were present into a slight panic.
At that moment a staff member swiftly popped onto stage to pass Youngsaeng a handheld microphone. Though visibly bewildered by the malfunction, Youngsaeng then went on to deliver the rest of his performance relaxedly, all the while giving his characteristic eye smile. The image of him using both his ear and hand microphone has been dubbed “double mic fighting spirit” by his fans.
[News] Heo Young Saeng’s microphone malfunction on Music Bank 17.06
Credits to Newsen +
A microphone malfunction at Heo Youngsaeng’s goodbye stage last night showed his professionalism. On June 17th, he took to Music Bank’s stage to perform “Let It Go” for the last time.
Youngsaeng gave a great performance, showing off his vocal prowess. However, the ear microphone that he was using suddenly stopped working; for a brief moment his voice was inaudible, sending his fans who were present into a slight panic.
At that moment a staff member swiftly popped onto stage to pass Youngsaeng a handheld microphone. Though visibly bewildered by the malfunction, Youngsaeng then went on to deliver the rest of his performance relaxedly, all the while giving his characteristic eye smile. The image of him using both his ear and hand microphone has been dubbed “double mic fighting spirit” by his fans.
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